BSI Certifies Vodafone UK to Business Continuity standard

Press release

15 April 2009

Vodafone UK is the first mobile network operator anywhere to achieve BS 25999 and the only operator globally to have 2G and 3G networks certified.

Vodafone UK is the first mobile network operator anywhere to achieve BS 25999 and the only operator globally to have 2G and 3G networks certified Vodafone UK’s 3G voice and mobile broadband service has gained BS 25999 certification from BSI Group.

BS 25999 is an auditable standard awarded after stringent assessment and proves that Vodafone UK has a business continuity management system designed to ensure business as usual through the most challenging and unexpected circumstances. For customers, this represents another strong demonstration of the high quality and reliability of the Vodafone network.

As businesses are seeing increasing regulatory demands they need to ensure that they have robust business continuity plans in place. Partnering with communications providers who have certified and internationally recognised business continuity processes is becoming a core element for customers to achieve their own certification.

“More customers are asking for evidence of their partners’ business continuity credentials. Vodafone UK’s BS 25999 certification sends a clear signal that we are going the extra mile to support our customers’ needs,” explains Peter Kelly, Enterprise Director, Vodafone UK.

“Mobile is now business critical. Vodafone’s commitment to achieving BS 25999 certification with BSI should be applauded. BS 25999 not only gives Vodafone a competitive edge, but BSI’s certificate allows Vodafone to demonstrate to key stakeholders that robust business continuity management is in place,” said Julian Thrussell, Product Marketing Manager, Risk, BSI Management Systems.

Vodafone UK has now gained the standard for its 3G and 2G networks, further supporting its role as an essential service provider in the event that a state of emergency is declared by the authorities, in accordance with the Civil Contingencies Act.

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About Vodafone UK

Vodafone UK has 19 million customers and is part of the world’s leading international mobile telecommunications Group, offering a wide range of voice and data communications. The company is committed to providing mobile solutions that allow both consumer and business customers to make the most of now. In addition, Vodafone connects customers across the globe with roaming agreements worldwide. It provides 3G roaming in 29 countries and offers great roaming value with Vodafone Passport. Vodafone UK is in the top 20 Best Big Companies to Work For in the Sunday Times Best Companies List, March 2008.

For more information, please visit the Vodafone UK website.